

Looking for lawyers with a difference?

Welcome to RWA!

We aren’t traditional lawyers. We don’t fit the stereotypical ‘lawyer’ mould. That’s too much stuffiness and cost uncertainty for us.

We get it. We’re used to managing legal budget in our previous roles, so working with us you’ll have cost certainty. We provide fixed fees wherever we can. When we can’t, you’ll know why and how your fees will be calculated. No surprises.

Working with us, you’ll also get advice you can use. We don’t sit on the fence. We know you need workable advice. We are genuinely invested in you and provide advice based on our knowledge of your strategic objectives, risk appetite and our working knowledge of you/your business.

We can assist you with commercial/business, employment and property law matters.

Book in for an initial no-obligation discussion about how we can partner with you.