
Business Transactions

Business Transactions


We regularly work along side our clients in their business transactions. This is a part of our practise that we love! Our team are not only legally savvy, but commercially savvy too, having been in-house legal counsel for large businesses and also establishing and operating their own businesses. You can trust our team to be your proactive, responsive and practical representatives to get your business transactions completed efficiently and effectively.

When buying a business, you need a lawyer who is experienced and understands both the legal and commercial aspects of the process. You are likely to need assistance with:

  • Drafting/reviewing the business purchase/sale agreement;

  • Considering the most appropriate business structure and implementing the same;

  • Considering whether to purchase the assets or the shares in the business;

  • Advice on documentation required for the business (e.g. Shareholders’ Agreement, employment agreements, health and safety policies and procedures etc);

  • Lease review and assignment or assistance with a new lease;

  • Ensuring assets forming part of the sale are unencumbered;

  • Reviewing existing employment agreements and payroll information to ensure you’re not inheriting a liability for payroll errors (if purchasing shares in the business);

  • Reviewing existing supply agreements and assisting in negotiating assignments/new agreements;

  • Assisting you with finance and security matters.

If you are establishing a new business from scratch, you will also need an experienced lawyer to assist you with your set up to ensure you implement the most appropriate structure for your needs/goals and to ensure your interests are protected. See our commercial services for more information.

In your established business you will also likely need advice and representation from time to time to ensure your best interests are protected. This may include business financing, security matters (PPSR), commercial disputes, employee issues, health and safety matters, terms of trade, supplier agreements, leasing and more.

If you are considering buying or selling a business or need some assistance for your start up or existing business, please get in touch for a free no-obligation discussion about how our team can assist you.