


News! Health and safety collaboration

An exciting new collaboration with a new company, The Safety Act, is coming soon!

In our experience, there are many businesses that have “off the shelf” health and safety solutions and believe that they’re compliant with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (the Act), but there is often more required to tailor the solution to their business and ensure compliance with the Act. There are of course those businesses that do nothing and their luck will eventually run out. You can’t manage luck!

Businesses (and others) have serious legal obligations under the Act and ought to be ensuring compliance with those legal obligations to reduce their business and personal risk (and of course the risk of harm to their employees, customers etc). That requires collaboration between legal and health and safety in our view.

To address this gap in the market of providing tailored health and safety solutions that are legally compliant at a reasonable price, our director has teamed up with a seasoned health and safety consultant to bring The Safety Act to the market.

More information coming soon.

Rachel Webster