


Investing in Team Wellbeing

With the current economic climate, investing in your team’s wellbeing is critical. (NB your team includes you!)

Financial pressures and job security can of course significantly impact mental health and, in turn, productivity.

Supporting your team doesn't have to break the bank. Some cost-effective strategies include:

- Flexible Work Arrangements (I know won’t work for all businesses): Allowing remote/flexible hours can help employees balance work and personal life, reducing stress and improving overall satisfaction. This is the cornerstone of how RWA operates. Flexibility for our team, as well as our clients.

- Mental Health/Self Development Resources: Providing access to online tools and resources. Encouraging open conversations about mental health to reduce stigma and promote a supportive environment. RWA has a MasterClass subscription that team members can access (access to a huge amount of great quality material for a great price).

- Recognition: Simple, regular recognition of team member’s hard work goes a long way! It’s not hard to say a few words, write a note, buy a coffee etc.

- Healthy/Positive Work Environment: Promote a healthy lifestyle. Encourage short breaks, walking meetings, group morning tea with healthy snacks etc. RWA has a diffuser in the office with various essential oils and a positive inspiration whiteboard wall.

What other ideas do you have?

Let’s look after our people (and ourselves)!

Rachel Webster